***THE LIST***
WHAT IS THE LIST?? -Some dumbasses are bound to ask this question. Well the answer is...the list consists of EVERYTHING and EVERYONE the jumpers deem to have sumpowerrr, or the others who are handed the swooooo tsh's. Hope you arent in the SWOOO TSH section. Cuz if you are, stupeeed beeetch, youuuuuuu BETTTA LAY LOW!!!
Everything and everyone on the list following has been deemed to have sumpowerrr to an acknowledgable extent. If you aren't on it, then bitch you have no power. If you aren't on the list, either we dont know you, or you are one of the followong: Wack, busted, diersted, or just a dumbfuck.(in that case, check the SWOOOO TSH section. Thank you.)
First off, all the jumpers. Suraj, Gilbert, Bobby, Basil, Trevor. All contain massive quantities of unsurpassed powerrrrrrrr.
AIM - aim is sumpowerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
CLUB BLUE - this club, located in beautiful Hollywood, remains at the top of the club list. However, on certain days, Club Blue makes the "SWOOO TSH" list. Please look under that list for further details.
CAMRY Si Type R - Suraj's Vehicle. Powerful, very. Two 12's lodged in the trunk will make the inside of the car tighter then Club Metro. Well sitting in your room listening to Mp3's is better then club metro.
'88 Preformance Toyota Hoe-Master - Gilbert's vehicle. Sumpower. Can drive back and forth from Corona to LA like 8 times a day, FOR NO APPARENT REASON. (possible cause: stupidity of driver, Gilbert) Two 8-inch tweeters in the back, with a monster 8-watt amp running them. Used to make weird ass sounds when making right turns. Bitch got that fixed tho somehow. Hoemaster (flowmaster) exhaust system rushes another 1.598� horsepower to the engine.
Ludacris - Anybody who has the capability to not only think of, but apply a plethora of appropriate uses of the word, "HO", utilizing intense creativity (i.e. "HO"-zone layer) will find him/herself on our list of powerful people
I just think this shit is power, so it shall remain

Ms. Alice - The fattest & ugliest bitch a nigga like me has EVER SEEN, and probably ever will. She is bout to get blasted on. First off. fuck this bitch. Being 500++(yes, the shit is incrementing as we speak) pounds, this obese BEAST was my(suraj), gilbert, and trevor's 20th Century American History teacher. Now the subject is boring as fuck as it is, but with her dumbass, the class is now renamed to "Lucifer's Den." Not only did this bitch have to be fat and stupid, but she had to be a LESBIAN TOO. For a mental image, picture an overweight white whore with like 18.5� chins with a haircut resembling the hair of somebody with a name like Butch Cassidy. All this is still coo, it can be tolerated, but when this bitch crossed the line, and stepped into my path, the shit was over. When she takes my drawings off my desk, saying I have to pay attention to a native american indian video, she is lucky she wasnt shot. Then, when she tries to get brave, theres no truning back. Remember when i was talking to you(gil) about the good times when Bobby was still at Centennial? and she decides to open her fat trap and say "Suraj stop living in the past, learn to move on." I will slap the shit outta the bitch. and then she says shes a vegetarian? yea? really? How can you be a vegetarian and be like 400 pounds overweight? She must eat whole cheese pizzas and her salads must be like 8 heads of lettuce and some undiced whole tomatoes thrown together in a fucking punch bowl. FUCK HER. SWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO TSHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH on that whore. NO LOVE FROM A NIGGA LIKE ME.
Here is a visualization...and hell no I ain't talkin about winamp:
CLUB METRO - ok first of all, omit the CLUB title. It is no longer a club. When there are 2 people on the dance floor, it is wack. When u wander looking for another room and run into the GOTHIC ROOM, with soem witches and bitches wearing 2 foot shoes, and u cant tell whether the person in front of you is a guy, a girl, or some type of hobgoblin, FUCK THAT. No wonder why that shit is free on friday nights. It's cuz friday nights are wack as fuck. and when you walk out and are greeted by a car full of shaved head mexican gangsters in a lowrider, it is time to leave. Next time we goto Metro, (Note: no 'CLUB' prefix) im sneaking in a fucking cat. and when the bouncer pulls the bitch out of my jacket, ill move the cats mouth and make it say: "meow meow in this mutherrfuckerrrrrrr."