Ah, a chapter in our dear friend Gilbert's life that we will all remember. On this blessed day, when living in his small native village amongst the deserted backroads of Maxico, Gilbert got the once in a lifetime chance to be broadcasted on American TV.
That right there is our friend Gil as he makes his way through the countryside in his relentless effort to increase the amount of horsepower in his vehicle.

Here again is gilbert showing that he is very proud of his latino heritage. Growing up, he felt nothing could be more important than joining a Mariachi band and learning to play the famed Mexican instrument, "el guitarro".
Sadly, soon after the previous picture proudly showing the positive influence of mariachi on his life, Gilbert fell into the wrong crowd. Claiming to be from the notorious street gangs known as LWG - Los Vatos Locos Wabos Gang and Crown Town 13 Corona Crips he lived the life of a loco. Hustlin' the streets trying to make his money the only way he knew how, this marked a chapter in Gil's life we all regret.

Here is Gilbert's stereotypically large Latino family, all of whom have taken up the very respectable art of mariaching. We are all very proud of gilbert and hope that he continues to emphasize his heritage in the future.